Augmented Reality Showcases How Catheter Devices Are Placed
Augmented Reality Showcases How Catheter Devices Are Placed

Understanding the human body isn’t always easy. Some things are easy to grasp, like a broken bone or sprained ankle. But then, some things are a little more abstract. Tipping Point Media was approached to develop an augmented reality (AR) application showcasing PICC catheter device information that could be used as a door-drop to drive booth traffic at industry conferences. The target audience for this application was mainly healthcare providers (HCPs) and other conference attendees.

Developing an Augmented Reality Application to Showcase PICC

Tipping Point Media specifically developed an augmented reality application that worked in conjunction with conference door-drop materials and signage posted around the conference’s public areas and the client’s booth. This material not only serves as advertising on its own, but adds to the AR experience too.

The AR application displayed anatomical structures of the body where PICC devices are utilized. The experience displayed relevant clinical data and materials, such as important safety information, instructions for use, common complications, and definitions of the common anatomical structures used to place PICC devices.

Limited user information was tracked on an opt-in basis, including basic user information, such as name, email address, hospital/institution, and answers to questions relating to the additional information they requested. This data was recorded to the client’s Sales Force account so that sales reps could follow up with the conference attendees who requested more information once the conference concluded.

The Results of Creating the AR Medical Simulation

The application was used at multiple conferences, and the response was so positive at these conferences that the client’s European division contracted Tipping Point Media to make a modified version of the AR application to run at a number of industry conferences in their region, including the largest conference, the WocoVA conference in Lisbon. 

The European version was nearly identical, except that the target image was re-designed to fit within the European division’s requirements and marketing messaging. This allowed for extensive cost savings to be leveraged by the European teams.

Contact Tipping Point Media Today for More Information About How We Can Help You

When it comes to creating AR medical simulations, Tipping Point Media is second to none. Contact us today to get the ball rolling on creating fully customizable demos for your next project. Whether you are trying to train your staff in a new healthcare practice or demonstrate how effective your product is, we can create it for you.


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