3D Animation
3D animation and video production are key elements to demonstrating products and spreading brand messaging in a clear, visual way. From mechanisms of action and disease to product highlights to explainer videos and procedure demonstrations, animation helps bring your product to life and showcase its potential to audiences around the world.

Medical Animations. Our 3D animators can create videos and looping animations of the human body and all of its different processes, including the effects of products and diseases. For example, creating an animated mechanism of disease can help educate sales teams about the issues faced by patients, while an animated mechanism of action can give potential customers an in-depth look at how your products affect disease progression or improve patient quality of life. Our medically certified animators are highly experienced in creating artwork that is both beautiful and scientifically accurate, which in turn creates an engaging and immersive learning experience for your audiences. These videos can serve as standalone materials or be combined with other interactive experiences, like VR or eLearning, to add an extra layer of engagement.

Patient Journeys. Animations can give additional depth and personality to patient journeys. Using 3D animation, we can breathe life into the stories of patients and their care teams, allowing audiences to have an intimate connection with their experiences. Not only do viewers get to meet these patients and hear their stories, but 3D animation also allows viewers to see the effects of disease progression up close.

Complex Visualizations. 3D animations can be used to visually illustrate medical procedures or proper medical device usage. Through 3D animation, we can bring concepts to life that are otherwise difficult to replicate or visualize in the real world, such as taking your viewers inside the human body and showing mechanisms of action and disease at the cellular level.

Product Showcase. Custom 3D animations of products are the perfect way to kick off a launch event or highlight a product’s key features and takeaway messaging. They drum up excitement for upcoming endeavors and condense large amounts of information into a short, visual format. In addition, videos are easily edited down and shared across social media, increasing access to your product and your brand.

Surgical Simulations. 3D simulations can recreate products, medical devices, disease states, and procedures in stunning accuracy and detail. Our 3D medical animators illustrate the effects of diseases or the operational steps of devices and procedures on specific anatomical systems or biological functions.