Everything we do at Tipping Point Media is backed by science. Learning that’s immersive, emotional, and has audiences engaging multiple senses creates potent memories and improves retention rates.

Think about how you learned to ride a bike, drive a car, or cook a meal. While you may have read a book or watched a video to grasp the basic concepts, it wasn’t until you hopped on the bike or fired up the stove that you were able to really gain skill and move from theory to practice. Chances are you didn’t get it right the first time, but you reflected on what went wrong, experimented with new techniques, and tried again until you got it right.

We believe people learn best by doing and embrace David Kolb’s Cycle of Experiential Learning. The Experiential Learning Cycle encompasses participating in an experience, reflecting on what happened, thinking about what the results mean and what could be done differently next time, then participating in the experience again and applying what was learned.

Benefits Of Experiential Learning

  • 1
    Boosts motivation and engagement
  • 2
    Accelerates learning and decreases time to proficiency
  • 3
    Increases retention
  • 4
    Engages emotions for stronger memories
  • 5
    Expands critical thinking and problem-solving skills

At TPM, we create immersive, multi-sensory experiences like roleplay activities, interactive case studies, and simulations that allow learners to navigate real-world situations and challenge them to make decisions. We believe making mistakes is a part of the learning process and a safe, no-fail environment is the perfect place to do it.

We specialize in pairing this experiential learning approach with virtual technology to help bring people together and create safe and fun learning environments that are accessible anywhere and anytime. Our team is always on top of the latest trends in education and technology, which means we always have the best tool for the job to create top-tier learning solutions.

Experiential Learning is proven to be:

  • 4x
    Faster to train than in the classroom
  • 275%
    More confident to apply skills learned after training
  • 3.75x
    More emotionally connected to content than classroom learners
  • 4x
    More focused than their eLearning peers