Tipping Point Media specializes in holistic strategy development. We bring your vision to life, from the big picture concept to the smallest details, whether it’s for a short-term or long-term campaign. We stand by our clients from the moment of inception, coaching them through how to navigate the latest technology landscape and best communicate with their audiences while making the most effective use of their budgeting dollars. We create holistic educational initiatives that cover a project’s entire lifespan, starting at pre-launch planning and production and stretching beyond launch day into follow-up projects, expansions, ROI measurement, and more.

Bring immersive learning and marketing wherever you go!

AR is a powerful tool that can enhance any learning experience with immersion and interactivity. You don’t need a high-end computer or a VR headset; just pull out your phone, scan a QR code or image, and watch the experience unfold.

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Take the ultimate step towards experiential learning

Virtual reality embodies TPM’s philosophy on experiential learning. Instead of flat videos, PDFs, and textbooks, users can engage with your content in an interactive, immersive, 360-degree experience. Virtual reality engages the brain on every level—visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic—to create the ultimate learning experience that is scientifically proven to leave a greater impact and fuel retention.

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The newest development in XR technology

Mixed reality is the next step forward from augmented reality. The two have similar beginnings where computer imagery (such as 3D models) is superimposed onto the user’s view of the real world. Unlike augmented reality, though, which can obscure and overwrite the view of the real world behind it, mixed reality creates a co-existence between the physical and digital worlds where things like lighting and obstacles affect the 3D images in real time.

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Interactivity and strong instructional design create powerful learning experiences

Here at Tipping Point Media, we pride ourselves on our award-winning, experiential eLearning solutions. Didactic forms of online training, like PDFs that have you “click next” until you reach the end, are unengaging and don’t maximize your learners’ time. Our philosophy for eLearning is to create small, interactive modules that reinforce knowledge over time, keeping learners engaged and building retention.

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Recreate procedures, surgical techniques, and medical devices in a virtual space

Our 3D simulations can recreate products, medical devices, disease states, and procedures in stunning accuracy and detail. Give your learners a hands-on experience walking through the steps of a surgery or how to use and maintain a medical device.

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Multiple Platform GAMIFICATION

Use elements of fun and competitive spirits to better engage learners

Gamification is the art and science of adding traditional ‘gaming’ elements like high scores and leaderboards into educational tools to increase engagement rates. Serious games use video game platforms like VR experiences, simulations and more to teach learners about real-world scenarios. At Tipping Point Media, we’ve learned to use educational games to immerse audiences and provide hands-on learning experiences.

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From mechanisms of action and disease to product highlights to explainer videos and procedure demonstrations, animation helps bring your product to life and showcase its potential to audiences around the world.

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